Releases FarmaSys 2019.04 and 2019.05

Releases FarmaSys 2019.04 and 2019.05
As announced on User Day in September, we will continue the development of FarmaSys. In the past period the releases 2019.04 (September) and 2019.05 (October) have been rolled out. In addition to fixing a number of bugs, new functionalities have been developed and existing functionalities improved.


  • Central Filling functionality: It is now possible to unload incoming orders via a robot. This takes place directly from the Barcode Final Control where FarmaSys automatically loads the next recipe line from the robot (1 or 2).
  • The FMD functionality now registers incorrect or incomplete 2D barcodes. It is now also possible to analyze barcodes.
  • Signal handling: From now on, a date will also be given when a signal has been approved. Because it is now also clear to the pharmacist, we now meet the requirement of the inspection.
  • Medication history restriction view: The 'restriction view' functionality in the processing of prescriptions has now been adopted one-to-one in the patient's medication history. This has also made it easier to search through the history.


  • FMD batch processing: It is now possible to have barcodes logged off to the NMVS in the background. The processes in the pharmacy are then disrupted as little as possible. The deregistration can be set as desired. Errors can also be dealt with; the relevant prescription can be called up directly from the handling screen.
  • Cleaning up temporary files: These will be cleaned automatically from now on, this will reduce the load on the system.

We are currently working hard on release 2019.06, which is expected to be released in November. More information can be found in the releasenotes already sent to FarmaSys users. Are there any questions or comments? Please contact us via